我對此印象猶深,因為當時仍是大學生的我,因緣際遇,參與了一個由國際人權組織組成的調查小組(Fact Finding Mission),為香港代表,不湆英語的立場局議員劉千石當義務英語/廣東話的即時傳譯(我是協辦組織找來的,跟劉先生事前並不認識)。而這個調本小組成員來自世界各地。老媽知道後說:「不要被子彈射到就好了。」
「近年愈來愈多兒童有自閉症問題,上網發現原來生物醫學療法有幫助,…… 發現自閉症近十年升十倍,每八十七人就有一個有問題,專家找新醫治方法,都發現戒奶(Casein Free Diet)有幫助……」
我本身是一個乳糖不耐症(lactose intolerance)患者,自小有記憶以來,我都不吃喝任何奶類製品;但長大後知道乳糖耐受性是可以慢慢建立的,所以過去幾年我都會偶爾冒著肚痛肚瀉的危險,喝杯奶茶/咖啡,或吃幾塊Pizza(昨晚我就吃了Pizza,跟著整晚胃隱隱痛)。
The Future of the Republican Party
The race is over.
The Democratic Party won the Presidency by a landslide, and will lead the Congress in majority.
The analysis implied it could have been worse for the Republican Party, and I agree. I don’t believe the Obama tsunami has cost the lost of those seats in the Senate and the House. I believe it was the candidates themselves, and the GOP itself, which led to their own defeat. I also believe for the years to come, if the GOP doesn’t realize what cost them, and only blames it on a mixed race American with a funny name, or the economy, they will have more defeats lying in their doorstep.
Let me begin by asking this question: after their presidencies, where did the GOP presidents go? Where was Ronald Regan? Where was George Bush 41st? And you can pretty much assume where George W Bush 43rd will be.
No where. They retire. They retreat back to their secluded upper class comfort, surround themselves with their old pals.
And where are the Democratic presidents? Jimmy Carter is still out there fighting for humanity and human rights in different parts of the world. Bill Clinton, other than having highly paid speeches to help pay off his attorney fees, also finds time to build the Clinton Global Initiative. And albeit being just the vice-president and experienced a well-known defeat of the presidential bid , Al Gore is still out there devoting himself into something he believes in, which also has something to do with the welfare of the world.
You know what I’m trying to say?
No, it’s not about whether the Democratic presidents have actually achieved anything after they left their offices.
It’s about why people get into politics in the first place, may it be a Republican or a Democrat. And why it will be gloomy for the GOP future.
Those who are at the top tier of politics are no doubt ambitious, and get ego boost from recognition. But some want the top job because of what the job entails, and others, like most of the GOP top dogs, just want it because it IS the top job.
You know the type. The kid who wants to win every game, the same kid who wants to be an eagle scout, the homecoming “king”. Why does he want all that? Because that’s what the culture tells him, that’s what his peers tell him, and of course that’s what dad tells him. Be at the top or be gone. I call them “icing chaser”. And what’s better icing than the number 1 job in the world?
That’s where the problem lays. He could be gloomed by poppa or uncles who have been in power, or he could be self-made billionaire who can’t be satisfied by his fortune and need to find the next ego fix. Whatever the reason, the GOP protégés go into politics for the wrong reason.
That’s why once they got the job, the job is over, because the whole job is just to get the job! If there is anything done right in their presidencies, it’s usually because of timing and coincidences (Regan taking the praise for the end of the cold war), not because they actively pursue to solve any problems and to make the world a better place.
And that’s why once the presidency is over, they disappear from the world, because there is no higher job to obtain, it’s the end of the icing chase.
The Democratic presidents? Of course they have ambitions too, and huge egos. But at least their intellect and discipline fit their ambitions. They couldn’t just barely make it to college (McCain, Bush 43rd), because they would need to be top of the class to get the scholarships to finish school. They didn’t have dads and grandpas paving the paths for them (except for Kennedy). They didn’t have time or second chances to screw up their young lives.
Instead of using their intellect to make millions, they have a greater sense of purpose, they want to serve. They don’t get the ego boost simply by getting the job, but by doing the job well. They want to be recognized by all, not just their peers and papas.
That is also why there is no end to their paths, because they are addicted to serve. I can’t imagine seeing Carter or Clinton retiring in a ranch.
The irony to this particular presidential campaign is…. if McCain was not raised by generations of 4-star admiral, he would have made a good middle ranking Democrat. He wasn't called the "maverick" of the GOP for no reason! He will continue to serve, we should give him some credit. Imagine if it was Mitt Romney running!
The future of the Republican Party lies in the composition of the party, and where they find their new bloods. If they continue to run in an inner circle of old school blue blooded elites without taking consideration of their intellects and sense of purpose, they will continue to fail. Believe it or not, enough Americans are still smart enough to know if you want their votes for the RIGHT reason.
Elites they do need. Just elites not by blood, or money, but by caliber, and by virtue.
But then, who has caliber and virtue in his/her right mind would want to join a party that is against pro-choice, against gun control, against stem cell research, against gay rights?
Beats me.
The race is over.
The Democratic Party won the Presidency by a landslide, and will lead the Congress in majority.
The analysis implied it could have been worse for the Republican Party, and I agree. I don’t believe the Obama tsunami has cost the lost of those seats in the Senate and the House. I believe it was the candidates themselves, and the GOP itself, which led to their own defeat. I also believe for the years to come, if the GOP doesn’t realize what cost them, and only blames it on a mixed race American with a funny name, or the economy, they will have more defeats lying in their doorstep.
Let me begin by asking this question: after their presidencies, where did the GOP presidents go? Where was Ronald Regan? Where was George Bush 41st? And you can pretty much assume where George W Bush 43rd will be.
No where. They retire. They retreat back to their secluded upper class comfort, surround themselves with their old pals.
And where are the Democratic presidents? Jimmy Carter is still out there fighting for humanity and human rights in different parts of the world. Bill Clinton, other than having highly paid speeches to help pay off his attorney fees, also finds time to build the Clinton Global Initiative. And albeit being just the vice-president and experienced a well-known defeat of the presidential bid , Al Gore is still out there devoting himself into something he believes in, which also has something to do with the welfare of the world.
You know what I’m trying to say?
No, it’s not about whether the Democratic presidents have actually achieved anything after they left their offices.
It’s about why people get into politics in the first place, may it be a Republican or a Democrat. And why it will be gloomy for the GOP future.
Those who are at the top tier of politics are no doubt ambitious, and get ego boost from recognition. But some want the top job because of what the job entails, and others, like most of the GOP top dogs, just want it because it IS the top job.
You know the type. The kid who wants to win every game, the same kid who wants to be an eagle scout, the homecoming “king”. Why does he want all that? Because that’s what the culture tells him, that’s what his peers tell him, and of course that’s what dad tells him. Be at the top or be gone. I call them “icing chaser”. And what’s better icing than the number 1 job in the world?
That’s where the problem lays. He could be gloomed by poppa or uncles who have been in power, or he could be self-made billionaire who can’t be satisfied by his fortune and need to find the next ego fix. Whatever the reason, the GOP protégés go into politics for the wrong reason.
That’s why once they got the job, the job is over, because the whole job is just to get the job! If there is anything done right in their presidencies, it’s usually because of timing and coincidences (Regan taking the praise for the end of the cold war), not because they actively pursue to solve any problems and to make the world a better place.
And that’s why once the presidency is over, they disappear from the world, because there is no higher job to obtain, it’s the end of the icing chase.
The Democratic presidents? Of course they have ambitions too, and huge egos. But at least their intellect and discipline fit their ambitions. They couldn’t just barely make it to college (McCain, Bush 43rd), because they would need to be top of the class to get the scholarships to finish school. They didn’t have dads and grandpas paving the paths for them (except for Kennedy). They didn’t have time or second chances to screw up their young lives.
Instead of using their intellect to make millions, they have a greater sense of purpose, they want to serve. They don’t get the ego boost simply by getting the job, but by doing the job well. They want to be recognized by all, not just their peers and papas.
That is also why there is no end to their paths, because they are addicted to serve. I can’t imagine seeing Carter or Clinton retiring in a ranch.
The irony to this particular presidential campaign is…. if McCain was not raised by generations of 4-star admiral, he would have made a good middle ranking Democrat. He wasn't called the "maverick" of the GOP for no reason! He will continue to serve, we should give him some credit. Imagine if it was Mitt Romney running!
The future of the Republican Party lies in the composition of the party, and where they find their new bloods. If they continue to run in an inner circle of old school blue blooded elites without taking consideration of their intellects and sense of purpose, they will continue to fail. Believe it or not, enough Americans are still smart enough to know if you want their votes for the RIGHT reason.
Elites they do need. Just elites not by blood, or money, but by caliber, and by virtue.
But then, who has caliber and virtue in his/her right mind would want to join a party that is against pro-choice, against gun control, against stem cell research, against gay rights?
Beats me.
容許我變成男人一會兒:今個週末體育賽事很精彩!週六大學美式足球我的至愛Florida Gators大勝Georgia Bulldogs(49-10),Gators的quarterback(四分衛) Tim Tebow如有神助,他已破了大學期四分衛最多「帶波衝到底線」(rushback)的紀錄,而他只是三年級的學生呢!
另外,今天看了今年最後一場(巴西)一級方程式賽事,因為最後幾圈下雨,大部份車手需換軚,不到最後一圈最後一轉角位都不知道誰會奪得全年總冠軍!恭喜麥拿倫車隊的Lewis Hamilton,經過多風雨的一年,終嘗所願,成為有史以來最年輕總冠軍,亦是第一名黑人總冠軍。
剛看完NASCAR,執筆時正在收看NFL美式足球Indiana Colts對New England Patriots。
容許我變成男人一會兒:今個週末體育賽事很精彩!週六大學美式足球我的至愛Florida Gators大勝Georgia Bulldogs(49-10),Gators的quarterback(四分衛) Tim Tebow如有神助,他已破了大學期四分衛最多「帶波衝到底線」(rushback)的紀錄,而他只是三年級的學生呢!
另外,今天看了今年最後一場(巴西)一級方程式賽事,因為最後幾圈下雨,大部份車手需換軚,不到最後一圈最後一轉角位都不知道誰會奪得全年總冠軍!恭喜麥拿倫車隊的Lewis Hamilton,經過多風雨的一年,終嘗所願,成為有史以來最年輕總冠軍,亦是第一名黑人總冠軍。
剛看完NASCAR,執筆時正在收看NFL美式足球Indiana Colts對New England Patriots。
Trick or Treat
今年最佳服裝獎,應是一個約2-3歲的小男孩穿上一身Incredible Hulk的膠皮衣連頭套,一個螢光綠色小矮人,很可愛!我還特地將一大筒明治朱豆力像皮糖送給一個剛會走路的小女孩,她拿著以為是玩具很高興!