i love how you're so consistent with your exercise routine!!! maybe i should start that too... hopefully this will give me some motivation! [版主回覆12/18/2008 08:41:00]you can start with yoga or pilates for pregnant ladies.... build a stronger back, spine and hip for the upcoming birth. once the baby is born, you can gradually switch it more to cardio + strength building.
IQ 成熟時 ~ 因為我好小睇麗的,知有套咁嘅戲但真係唔記得乜名 ..
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/18/2008 08:38:00]我都好少睇麗的,但係對呢套劇就有印象,尤其係首歌。
i love how you're so consistent with your exercise routine!!! maybe i should start that too... hopefully this will give me some motivation!
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/18/2008 08:41:00]you can start with yoga or pilates for pregnant ladies.... build a stronger back, spine and hip for the upcoming birth. once the baby is born, you can gradually switch it more to cardio + strength building.
你唔係第一個問喇, 因為張相我喺恆豐中心酒店大堂影, 我唔想比人利用 , 我只係想送比朋友所以咪私人囉, 希望無令你唔C服 ..
回覆刪除[版主回覆12/18/2008 12:01:00]嘩,原來你影架,巧靚喎,我仲以有喺網上搵嘅相。