
Hi from Hong Kong

I'm Back!

The hotel computer has no Chinese characters input of course.

The flight was long, but it wasn't crowded and therefore me and my husband were able to get a whole row to ourselves each! 

Weather here is miserable, rainy and gloomy.....

BUT ... I'm happy to be back!

7 則留言:

  1. 如果想打中文,妳可以用 網上中文輸入法 玩得開心啲,食得多啲。嘻嘻!
    [版主回覆09/03/2008 07:26:00]but i only know how to use "choke shing"! 
    i'm writing up a list of restaurants to go to!  haha.

  2. 玩得開心啦
    [版主回覆09/03/2008 07:27:00]thanks, i will.  weather is not cooperating though!

  3. 玩得開心d! 影多d相!
    [版主回覆09/03/2008 07:27:00]thanks!  both me and my husband are not picture taking type, but he just bought a new camera, so he may be more up for that!

  4. Enjoy your time in HK
    [版主回覆09/03/2008 07:27:00]thanks!  let me know when you're coming back!

  5. WELCOME BACK !! 今次個行程緊密麻?而家住係邊間 hotel 呢 ? 我 Sunday 要飛去馬來西亞,要成個week 先返來啊 ~ 唔知有冇機會見到你呢 ~
    [版主回覆09/05/2008 08:32:00]i will fly back on Sept 22.  i will have more free time after my husband leaves this Sunday (Sept 7).  i'm sure we'll meet when you get back from Malaysia.
    i'm staying at JW Marriott now.  but will be back to my parents' after this Sunday.

  6. Happy u back to HK!!
    Enjoy your trip!!!
    [版主回覆09/07/2008 12:44:00]Thank you so much!  The weather is not as hot as I thought it would be, so that is great!

  7. Have a great time in HK la!
    [版主回覆09/07/2008 12:44:00]Thanks so much!  I think I have gained 2-3 pounds already from all the eating!
