What is maddening is the lack of criticism against this tycoon's womanizing behaviours. Few Hong Kong press has condemned his disrespect for women, neither have those so-called feminists. The Society of Truth & Light is supposed to reassert their "family values and the goodness of monogamy", but they remain silent when the issue involved the rich and the powerful. I feel sorry for his children. [版主回覆11/08/2008 04:21:00]香港就係咁,其實好多地方都係咁,只要有錢乜都得。
Yes, I agree. Everyone around him has been suffering apart from himself! He must be in a bad mood these days as his ex-lover has just got married to someone else!
d仔女好無 辜,成世比狗仔隊跟住做人。
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/06/2008 12:44:00]細嗰兩個仲好啲,因為真係仲細,好多嘢都唔明,我覺得最慘係佢大嗰兩個仔女,見到佢咁對自己媽媽,見到佢啲醜事揚到一街都係。
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/06/2008 12:52:00]你可以話啲女人埋得佢身都預咗.... 但係我真係唔明點解凡係痴親佢,啲女人都會short咗,發哂癲,唔通佢真係有驚人嘅「能力」,令到身邊嘅人都發揮哂自己嘅缺點?
hahahahaha 好鬼幽默架你, 以爲你冇提嗰個劉生個名, 點知留言嘅時候, 我先見倒個網誌標籤.
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/06/2008 12:53:00]我都唔想提佢個名,唔值得。
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/06/2008 12:54:00]係呀,你投嗰個贏咗喇!
有D男人未富貴時可以係好男人, 但當一有$就不能共富貴棄結髮 ! 所以好男人確難求
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/06/2008 12:55:00]好男人本來都好難求,不過衰到佢咁,咁唔尊重女人,都算少有。
男主人極度憎佢, 有錢大哂咩...
[版主回覆11/06/2008 12:58:00]某程度上,賭王嗰面係控制得好啲,但我都係覺得太揚,對啲仔女唔公平。
meme同意你講法, 但都要啲女人有机心, 有目的先! 最可憐係小朋友!
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/06/2008 13:00:00]唔單只啲女人有機心,仲有佢哋嘅家人,媽媽,兄弟姐妹都認同,參與.....
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/07/2008 08:34:00]係啦,我都唔知佢點揀女人,定係原本正常嘅女人跟咗佢,都會變得癲咗?總之啲小朋友就最慘!
What is maddening is the lack of criticism against this tycoon's womanizing behaviours. Few Hong Kong press has condemned his disrespect for women, neither have those so-called feminists. The Society of Truth & Light is supposed to reassert their "family values and the goodness of monogamy", but they remain silent when the issue involved the rich and the powerful. I feel sorry for his children.
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/08/2008 04:21:00]香港就係咁,其實好多地方都係咁,只要有錢乜都得。
係呀~ 男人有錢又點會唔身痕? 仲要係有過百億窩~
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/19/2008 07:53:00]呢個人就真係唔好提喇,真係醜字唔識寫,有錢又點?
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/19/2008 11:14:00]最慘都係啲小朋友!
I also feel sorry for the children especially the little girl and the new born, they just don't know what's going on.
回覆刪除[版主回覆11/25/2008 06:53:00]歡迎到訪!
Yes, I agree. Everyone around him has been suffering apart from himself! He must be in a bad mood these days as his ex-lover has just got married to someone else!