
生命的一章:Harry Potter終結篇

今星期五,Harry Potter(HP)電影系列最終回會在美國公映,我很期待,但亦有點不捨得。HP當然不是伴著我成長(因我一早已長大了!)但畢竟,過去十多年,在我的生命的上上落落裡,HP一直陪伴著我啊!




幸好作者J.K. Rowling在電影系列由選角到製作都有極高參與,2001年看完第一套電影後就不再太擔心了。



去年聖誕前,在Sam’s Club看到這本書,內裡有電影系列的情節及製作花絮,最難得是加上很多電影裡出現過的道具,即刻買下來,如果你也是粉絲,一定要買!


在多集都有出現真的可以打開的Marauder’s Map(可以隨時看到學校內各巫師的位置)



6 則留言:

  1. Southerngal18/7/11 04:16

    I'm with you, gal... I'm with you!  I was crazy enough to go reserve the book at Borders, got my book at midnight (with tons of little kids), finish each one in less than a day (start reading when Brian's driving, read through the night, kind of fall asleep but keep reading when I wake up! lol)... fortunately Brian was okay with my craziness.  Actually I didn't start reading it till... the movie. I remembered my first encounter with HP was my piano students (8, 9 years old) were crazy about that in HK, they told me all about that and even wanted me to read it but I just never got a chance. Anyway, when the first movie's out. I read all the one being published and been the fans since then!  I can't wait to watch the movie, but we have to wait till Brian's mom to get here, so that we can have someone babysit Cole. (I did ask Brian if I could just watch it by myself first... but he said no... lol!) I've read the whole collection many times (especially right after the "new" book's out, I always tried to read the previous ones to refresh my memory), Brian even got me a small harry potter lego set when we were dating before! lol!
    [版主回覆07/19/2011 00:53:00]我都知可能得你會留言俾我,因為我個blog唔係好多Happy Potter fans!
    好在我依家老公可以俾我感染到少少,同佢講劇情佢都唔會覺得我係傻婆,佢去Universal Studio都好開心架。

  2. Southerngal18/7/11 04:17

    I'll have to check out that book you've mentioned when I go back to GA!
    [版主回覆07/18/2011 23:51:00]本書好值得買!我本來想買多一本未開封嘅嚟留念,或者送俾人,但係之後都見唔到嘞,不過網上一定有得賣。

  3. 屋企有哂全套書, 我無睇過.... 不過聽個仔講, 睇書好過睇戲好多喎!!
    [版主回覆07/20/2011 01:37:00]當然係書好睇啲,內容豐富好多嘛,但啲戲都已經算唔好差,算係咁架喇。

  4. of course中文版啦! !
    [版主回覆07/23/2011 07:07:00]我未睇過,唔知翻譯得好唔好呢?

  5. Southerngal21/7/11 11:29

    Oh gosh, I just watched the movie with Brian... it's really good, but like you said, it's a mixed feeling. The 3-D part bother Brian a bit, but it was cool with some of the effects. I always think Books are better than movies, but Harry Potter series has been quite as good. Now I only wish I have my last book here, as I've not read it for a while, I can't remember some of the facts.  Hey, do they have a Harry Potter ride? Was that the one in Gringotts? Love that scene... now I hope I can have all my books here and read them all... and watched all the movies one more time!!! 

  6. Southerngal23/7/11 11:40

    We didn't have a choice, the one in Middlebury only has 3D... hm, that's interesting, but I hope they'll add the Gringotts ride in future! The one in movie was too cool! I would like to play roller coaster like that!
    [版主回覆07/26/2011 05:46:00]The ride was too much for me because I don't do roller coaster ride!  I closed my eyes most of the time!
