Cos Blaze knows you love her and she's also craving for love and attention. When she's with the previous owner, I'm sure they love her too, but it's not the kind of love you're givnig her and you can tell she's loving it! [版主回覆07/30/2011 10:25:00]佢好鍾意人摸,摸極都唔厭,所以佢鍾意跟人囉。今晚我哋去咗老爺奶奶屋企一陣,成間六有六個人,佢就逐個叫人摸,一個摸完唔理佢佢就轉第二個......
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/30/2011 10:20:00]係呀,佢真係幾可愛架!
我五妹話四隻貓, 最癡身就係係愛護動物協會領養個隻, 好爭寵同埋要我五妹攬住瞓, 唔知係咪之前缺乏愛
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/30/2011 10:21:00]佢之前唔係缺乏愛,個繁殖家自己train佢groom佢,一樣好錫佢架,不過佢自己本身好癡人啫。
狗係愛痴住人架 我諗佢以前一定好寂寞 好彩遇到您
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/30/2011 10:23:00]佢之前同佢爸爸仲有其他狗一齊,其實都開心架,不過佢就真係好鍾意喺室內,唔鍾意住戶外,所以可能咁原因佢更癡我啦。
Cos Blaze knows you love her and she's also craving for love and attention. When she's with the previous owner, I'm sure they love her too, but it's not the kind of love you're givnig her and you can tell she's loving it!
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/30/2011 10:25:00]佢好鍾意人摸,摸極都唔厭,所以佢鍾意跟人囉。今晚我哋去咗老爺奶奶屋企一陣,成間六有六個人,佢就逐個叫人摸,一個摸完唔理佢佢就轉第二個......
aiya, your doggie is so adorable!!
回覆刪除[版主回覆07/30/2011 10:26:00]好癡纏,令我有壓力!
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/02/2011 08:36:00]係呀,佢又好在就算say No,佢都唔會繼續煩你。
咁嗲嗲, 真係腳痺都唔想走開
回覆刪除[版主回覆08/04/2011 11:50:00]我好忍得架,睇完新聞,半個鐘之後就會起身,最多夜啲再陪坐多一陣咁啦。