
What the hype is all about? 防彈阿米為何中毒?

我在這裡很少上載英文文章,不過因為防彈少年團剛在5月20日在Billboard Music Award演出及得獎,在美國娛樂媒體或一般電視觀眾造成很大回響,他們最常見的疑問,就是不明白為何防彈在美國這麼受歡迎?為何防彈的飯圈阿米這麼瘋狂地支援防彈。




People that don’t understand the hype of BTS is because they don’t understand BTS is not just an idol group for ARMY to fangirl (or fanboy). A more accurate comparison would be: BTS and its fandom is a religion, or a social movement, or even a cult, but just without the usual hypocrisy combo. That’s why ARMY are a lot more motivated to do collective actions to support or represent the group, than maybe any other boy band fandoms before them. Let me explain further.  

I will ignore the fact that their music is not in some universal language like English first, because obviously there is something more profound and overpowering for people of all ages, all races, from different corners of the world to be motivated, to look for and understand their songs, watch videos with subtitles and so on.

What were some common factors for successful boy bands in the past?  Good looks, catchy songs, some could dance, and the illusion of creating a fantasy for mostly female fans to daydream about.  BTS has it all and does it better. They pay attention to how they look, what they wear, they write and produce their own songs, their choreography and stage presence is insane, and they make sure the only fantasy you may even have is among the members themselves. 

What drove the general public away from idols/boy bands in the past? Mostly bad personal conducts, like sleeping around, hiring hookers, doing drugs, drunk driving, bad attitude to fans, the media or the public (on or off cameras), or internal conflicts among members that drove the fandom apart.  BTS does none of those, you can say it's luck because they all had good parenting and grew up decent, or you can say their company picked the right kids to begin with. They are so careful with what they do and what they say because very early on, they realized what possible consequence of even a slight hiccup in public image could do to their success.

And yes, obviously social media contributed to their success globally.  But social media has been around way longer than their existence, so why was only BTS successful in utilizing it?  Don’t forget, social media is “just”, and always will be “just” a channel.  It’s the CONTENT you push through the channel that makes the difference.  Most celebrities use social media as a one way promotion outlet, they feed you stuff they want to promote and that’s it, exactly like a media outlet.  In a group level, BTS use social media as a communication tool to their fans. When you use it to “communicate”, it’s always two ways, or multiple ways. They tell you what they are doing, where they are going, what music they listen to, what they’re wearing, or jokes or shenanigans among members.  It’s like you’re in their family chat room.  In a corporate level, Big Hit makes sure you know how hard the kids work, pretty much everything they do and present to the public, there will be a behind the scene footage of how everything is done.  The extend and generosity of the amount of behind the scene footage is insane.  No one is saying other KPOP groups or western groups don’t work as hard, but you don’t know about it because it’s not shown. That’s how smart Big Hit is. From the hundreds of hours of footage, you also get to know the members at a personal level, when they are goofing around, or getting ad lip interviews, you get to see each personality, the dynamics between the members, and most important of all, their strong bond and friendship.  It’s like watching a feel good sitcom with no season ending. In a way, they could do this endless hours of behind the scene filming without hesitation is also because these kids are genuinely nice kids with good heads on their shoulders, it’s easy to trust them and show them off, on or off cameras.

Another important factors to draw fans in, is the positivity of their music productions.  In this day and age, be it in politics or youth or other social issues, cynicism and helplessness penetrate to the core of all generations.  BTS comes out being all critical, but also at the very same time, “not” cynical.  Just bitching and mourning about everything can only get you to a certain point.  However, being insightful and critical of reality, but still wanting to search for a light in the tunnel, gives people hope. Remember how Obama motivated people just with the notion of “hope”?  It’s not like there aren’t singer song writers who are critical of the world, or there aren’t feel good singers that only want to make cheer up “safe” songs.  But you go out and try to find one that does BOTH on their own, and does it well with catchy tunes and insane choreography. 

People in the western world don’t understand BTS hype or sudden popularity, I get that, because just from a few songs they watch on TV or hear in radio, you won’t get what the hype is all about.  Why are the fans so insane, so motivated?  Because to ARMY, it’s never just about the songs.  It’s the whole package.  It’s also the sense of community we have within the fandom, across the globe.  How many boy groups in the history of boy groups can you say the artist and the fandom trust each other and genuinely care for each other?  Devote their time to make sure the others get what they want or dream of? (You try to find some other boy bands or artist who would ditch AMA or BBMA after parties just to rush back to the hotel rooms to do a live chat with fans, or spend weeks or even months in their insane schedule to come up with a debut anniversary program with free songs and performances every year just to thank fans.)  How many fandoms in the history of fandoms try so hard to represent their idols in a positive light and not do anything to get their idols in trouble or bad press?  If it’s just catchy tunes and great dance, or cute faces, I don’t think it will do the trick.  It’s because BTS has no fault, no bad angle, nothing negative in every aspect, which motivate the fandom to do what they do.  Yes, that certainly includes loud fan chants when they perform live because we know it will make them less nervous in western prestigious awards shows.

Stanning BTS is NOT just about fangirling cute faces and catchy tunes, it’s also a SOCIAL MOVEMENT to stand up for social justice, believe in self love, tolerance, hard work and sincerity.  That’s why ARMY are so motivated to support them, more than any idols before them.  If the western media, or any media will just pay a little more attention, do better research, or … ask the right fan, then they wouldn’t need to keep asking what the hype is all about.  BTS and its ARMY, are here to stay.­

22 則留言:

  1. Dear Ceci,

    真的很喜歡您這篇文章, 之前我都是用中文回覆。這次請讓我用英文表達我對BTS對我的正面影響。

    I totally agree with you. I grew up in different countries all over the world with different cultures, thus different religions. With critical thinking, I came to a conclusion that I am a free thinker for many years. As a person coming from a scientific background, I identify with your description of BTS being like a religion or social movement. I have been deriving the same sense of satisfaction for supporting and liking BTS compared to the feeling I had when I used to have a religion. I have been a Kpop fan for more than 20 years, I listen to a wide variety of music including western music, jazz, classical music, house etc....just to name a few. But BTS is the first artist that I truly feel a connection with, just like a family or more than a family member which I do not even see often. To me they are more than a religion, because they do not scare you for not following them with some stories but with the support of knowing them walking the same path as you, knowing they also suffer like us, it makes me identify with them even more and relish the fact that we can walk the path of 'Life" and grow together.

    Most importantly they taught their fandom to "LOVE YOURSELF" and to spread the love around, this is like the butterfly effect. A small gesture can change this world for a little better, but with the cumulative kind acts it becomes a significant "Social movement"-quoting from you. I can continue to list down all the positive effects that BTS has had on me but the post will be too long. I am just thankful that I found BTS and like what RM said nothing last forever, but JK said they will be in the same place waiting for us. They are the magic shop to us and the bring out the best of me. We are definitely here to stay and will continue to rise even higher as their "wings"(ARMYs) become even bigger. Sky is not even the limit, we are the galaxy to each other.

    P.S. I am waiting for tonight's Comeback on Mnet, the camera work will be better :P

    1. 其實如果只是說音樂製作質素及水準,真的老實說,全球樂壇比防彈好的大有人在,只是靠音樂亦應該不能建起這麼強大及投入的飯圈,而最多可能只會像是Adele那樣有很多音飯。但防飯的飯不是音飯而是鐵飯狂飯,這裡面一定包括了其他更深入、更能令飯感動的元素在內。這人與人關係的元素,是現時西方傳媒不可能了解的事,而他們外交見到的,就只是數以百計千計的少女瘋狂尖叫的場面,所以我也不怪他們現在只有很片面及偏頗的報導,只希望防彈的名字開始熟悉後,會有起碼一少部份的記者朋友會拿多點誠意做多點功課,去報導有關防彈及阿米的消息。

  2. This is absolutely fantastic. Hands down your point about BTS' music being critical but not cynical is the best reason, one of which I've never really been able to articulate myself! Perhaps another reason that relates more closely to me as a young adult (still wanna call myself a teenager haha) is not simply because of their lyrics but also knowing the fact that we're on the same boat, trying to sail through life. Whenever I get demotivated, I'm reminded of how insanely hard they work to achieve their goals, then I'm driven to do the same.

    When I first looked at the lyrics of 'Magic Shop', I bawled my eyes out (woah I'm really saying this). It was the kind of comfort and encouragement I desperately needed. It feels so nice to know that there's someone out there cheering you on and have been through/is still going the same thing. Like RM said, BTS is ARMYs' fans, just as much as we are theirs. They are silently supporting us through our "personal battles and loneliness in life". We are their hope, just as much as they are to us.

    This is the lengthiest reply I've written in a while! Thank you sososososo much for writing and sharing this :)

    1. 我很明白年輕一代,在防彈歌曲裡找到共鳴,找到慰藉的感覺,但我自己是非常非常之少數,從來沒有在他們的歌詞上,覺得身同感受或有同感的阿米。他們對青春對成長的掙扎、焦慮與徬徨,或對外在環境的控制及無助,對我自己來說,都不是新鮮或特別深思的事,因為我可能在二三十年前青春期時,已經了解及經歷過所有,我亦不需要他們的提醒去明白Love Myself的重要性及如何love myself。如果有聽過80/90年代音樂的人,都會知道那時候的歌,也是非常警世及有內涵的。不過自千禧年之後,流行音樂變得表面化,feel good化,令整整一代年輕人無機會從音樂得到更深層又有慰藉的啟發,才會對防彈這麼趨之若鶩。所以在我個人而言,防彈的歌詞,雖然是有質素的,但不是令我成飯的原因。(如果有興趣,可以找80年代香港組合“達明一派”作品的歌詞看看。)

      而且我是一個很冷靜很理性的人,在網上時常見到阿米們說看到什麼會哭起來,我真的未試過亦想像不來,心會想“有那麼容易就哭嗎?是否太誇張?” 我是一般只會看新聞見到人的受難或戰爭的苦難才有機會哭的人。要我因為飯偶像受感動而哭,我自己是沒可能做到的。我是一個心靈比較強壯,自我康復能力好好的人,不需要外在的元素幫助自己。不過,如果其他飯(尤其是年輕一代的飯),因為防彈得到慰藉,這也是很好的事。

  3. 我從前也是個不飯韓團甚至有點排斥,只聽日本獨立樂團的粉絲,從不知迷偶像為何物的人哈哈哈
    從我真正開始接觸到防彈的時候,也是前年底的事,那時我已被血汗淚圈飯,但卻不知道演唱者是誰,也漠不關心。 (當時我只想著哇!! 這首西洋樂真好聽 哈哈哈)
    那時只覺得這團真好笑,舞蹈真厲害,所以我就在水管上點開了練習室,然後我又點開了一集集的BOMB....... 殊不知這就是跌進萬惡防彈坑的起頭哈哈哈哈
    最初我是被16年MAMA開場的智旻給圈飯,我對歌曲與團員也沒有去仔細研究,心想著也跟其他男團差不多吧 就是幾首歌好聽,舞好看所以很多粉絲,但這些想法到後面真的是狠狠的被防彈打臉哈

    聽過多數評價他們音樂的人說他們變了,只想迎接主流、沒保持初衷等等的話,在上張迷你專開始嘗試不同風格的時候,我也聽到許多聲音,這次的音樂真糟一點都不防彈,為什麼要轉換風格呢,以前的風格不是挺好的嗎,還是比較喜歡以前的歌等等的評價;這些話語不禁讓人開始反思,什麼叫做初衷、什麼是初心,一成不變難道就能代表這是初心嗎? 但我想這些問題,他們肯定思考的比大眾還多。


    1. 你說出了我的想法啊~

    2. “聽過多數評價他們音樂的人說他們變了.......還是比較喜歡以前的歌等等的評價"


      什麼是防彈的的音樂風格?除了防彈及大黑的音樂監製外,究竟有幾多人可以說得出?如果只是以他們學校三部曲及Dark & Wild,就將防彈綁死在hip hop的層面,那之後花樣年華三部已經是脫離防彈風格。再說非常前期,大家又起愛的作品I Like It, Blanket Kick, Just One day等等又算什麼?之後Dope及Fire那又算不算脫離原有風格?因為已經開始強烈用Trap了。如果只是因為批評防彈在Wings及Love Yourself Her,開始脫離防彈風格,那只是這些人自己不喜歡EDM而已(包括我),跟防彈是否脫離所謂防彈風格根本沒關係。現在LT Tear又大大減低了trap/EDM,走回R&B甚至有點blues及jazz的,那又算什麼?

      我寫以上這麼多,只是想shut up時常說防彈音樂脫離原有風格的一批不懂音樂的人。防彈的音樂風格歷程,從來沒有說只局防於hip hop(雖然他們一出道時是想以偏hip hop風而出道)。如果有一個確定的元素是所謂之“防彈的音樂風格”,就只有“防彈的歌詞”罷了,有一天如果防彈作品的歌詞不再真摰,只是大路迎合普羅大眾,那時候大家才出來批評吧。另外亦都希望阿米可以接受,防彈不停轉曲風,那正正就是防彈的風格。

      我自己也是最喜歡防彈初期hip hop風較強的歌曲,但我很清楚這只是我個人的音樂口味,不會將之定性為防彈的風格。防彈都已經脫離hip hop多少年了?出道五年只有首年一年多是重hip hop,自I Need You已經完全不是那回事,如果有阿米到現在作活在那自製的氣泡中,那就去找其他團飯吧。

      Rant over!

    3. 完全我的心聲阿哈哈哈
      只是他們的成長更體現在他們的音樂裡,我倒覺得他們做出來的音樂防彈風格越來越強烈,越來越有種這歌只有我們能駕馭 哈哈

  4. Ceci的英文寫作比中文更到肉,寫得好全面呀!好奇下,咁妳平常寫這類題材blog時是用英譯中還是直接用中文思考然後寫架?換轉係我,應該寫唔到亦譯唔出,哈哈!^^”


    1. 哈哈,你實在誇獎了,其實我中英文都寫得不夠好,都有好多careless mistakes,中文就會有錯別字,或者打字太心急選擇連結字,英文就無可避免會有啲小的文法錯誤,所以我都會時常回看舊文章,因為有可以會搵到錯誤要修改。




  5. 謝謝Ceci以英文寫了這麼一大篇介紹防彈的文章,讓更多對防彈和阿米感到好奇或懷疑的外國媒體或網友能更進一步了解他們,很多點都是Ceci以前的文章提過的,這篇像是英文版總整理,很謝謝Ceci的分享。

    1. 是的,有些要點都是之前在這裡提過的,亦有是新增的,不過因為是一次過向英語讀者作介紹,就整合大部份我想到在內,其實還有很多其他要點的,不過文章太長,一般人就沒興趣看了。

  6. 不能同意更多了

  7. 從來沒有韓團的歌會讓自己一聽想再聽的,偶然間聽到防彈的這首"路"而被圈住,才開始去了解這個團體,他們的許多歌都和我的生活相契合,有感覺且感動,陪伴我度過許多的困境,這是其他團體所沒有的能量。

    1. 我自己年紀不一樣,所以沒有他們陪伴我的感覺,不過我很明白年輕一代有這種領會。如果我年輕30年,可能一樣會被他們的作品感動到。

  8. Thanks for your thought-provoking posts and changing my mindset with your articles. As an overseas MArmy, I too feel motivated by the boys everyday. Here’s another article that touched my heart. http://www.flare.com/celebrity/k-pop-mental-health/ Hope you have a great Memorial Day weekend!

    1. Welcome to my blog and thanks for leaving comment.

      I'm not so sure about this piece being thought-provoking, but if it could provide some insight to the public/media, or those new to the fandom who don't know much about kpop, or just pop music in general, that would have serve the purpose.

      I'm glad the boys give you motivation. I've read the article you mentioned a while back, it's a personal message and it's great that BTS gives her solace and strength to go through her daily life, as that's what the boys always wanted to do, to move people with their music. But personally I do not get (or more precisely don't need) inner strength or comfort from BTS, as I've already went through all those on my own at very young age.

      MArmy is a strong force in the fandom among the Asia countries. I hope you all continue to support the boys at your comfortable capacity. Cheers.

  9. 每次都期待看到妳新的防彈文章,感覺是真的有人理解防彈在華麗的韓式偶像包裝下,更深層想要傳達的真心。suga提到防彈更大的願望是成為世界上最具影響力的藝人~不刺青也是怕將來可能會擔任某些代言人(雖然我對刺青沒有其他想法)。防彈之所以跨越種族、語言、年齡、性別讓人中毒~就是他們身上有太多正向珍貴的特質,是現在的世代很難看見的!再一次謝謝妳願意在煩忙的工作之餘,帶領阿米們窺見防彈真正的價值,正因爲妳對防彈的支持,也是因爲防彈孩子值得讓阿米們自發性去爲他們努力!

    1. 可能是韓國及日本,仍有不少老一輩,將刺青等同有黑幫背景有關吧。不過在韓國,已有不少人覺得男性穿耳,已經不是正經人。


  10. Thanks for typing it up! Looks like a group of good kids doing what's right to the n degrees!

    1. 無錯,BTS係好多中年父母親都會喜歡嘅偶像,某程度就係因為佢哋係好勤力又好有真誠嘅good kids.
